Reminder: New ERA Conference (Plus Change of Venue)


This is a reminder about the half-day New ERA conference to be held on Thursday (December 3rd). The venue for Thursday’s conference has been changed to the Stillorgan Park Hotel. If you get the 46A, the Stillorgan Park Hotel is just a few more stops after UCD. A map is available here.

The study examines the performance of the New ERA programme across 3 domains: increased access from disadvantaged school, retention rates and overall exam performance. Susan Dynarski, (Professor of Education and Public Policy, University of Michigan, USA) will deliver the keynote address. The full programme is below.

10.30: Registration

11.00: Welcome

Dr. Philip Nolan, Registrar, UCD Ann O’Brien, Director of access, NUI Maynooth

11.20: Keynote Address:

Professor Susan Dynarski, Professor of Education and Public Policy, University of Michigan, USA

12.00: Evaluating the impact of the UCD New ERA Widening Participation Initiative Dr. Kevin Denny and Dr. Orla Doyle, UCD

12.45: Questions and Answers

Close: Anna Kelly, Director of Access and Life Long Learning, UCD

13.00: Lunch