Facebook Research


Day-of-the-week effects have been mentioned on the blog before, including research by Gerard O Neill from Amarach Consulting. A recent article in the New York Times reports that “there is a 9.7 percent increase in happiness on Fridays compared with the worst day of the week, Monday. That is among the discoveries made by Facebook researchers with access to two years of anonymous "status updates" from 100 million users in the United States.”

The Facebook Global Happinness Index (from www.ourkitchensink.com) is shown below. The Facebook Research page related to this index is available here. The Happiness Index is based on the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC).

Updates from Facebook’s data-team can be accessed here. The Top 15 status terms of 2009 can be viewed here. Analysis of maintained relationships on Facebook can be viewed here. With more data than ever available through the rise of Web 2.0, the Flowing Data blog suggests that we may see the rise of the “data-scientist”.